Fads are nothing more than the latest flavor, whether it's Ugg boots or "Whazzup!", we have all seen them come and go. The automotive world is also no stranger to fads and here are a list of some that have thankfully dispappeared:
Car-specific cell phones and fake car phone antennas- in the late 80's and early 90's that was the only option you had next to physically getting out of the car to use a payphone

Photo credit:
siocommunicationsCars with the boom- Like
L'Trimm thankfully cars with loud, boomin' woofers seems to be fading as mobiles phones and texting seem to occupy young drivers more these days.
Spinning rims- what was once the popular thing to do only 5 years or so ago now seems like yesterday's news, as some of these spinners were credited to causing accidents as motorists got confused as to how fast they were really traveling when a car with these silly rims was beside them.
Whistle tips- this must have been a
Bay Area thing.
Fast and furious wings- shopping cart wings or spoilers, these silly devices aren't going to make your Civic any faster

Photo credit:
riceboyChrome fender trim- Like half the dead
links I found doing an image search, chrome fender trim disappeared 15 years ago, and for good reason....